Sunday, December 28, 2014
Where I'm at now...
So a quick update, I have passed the 400-101 (v5 written) and I'm back into full swing. Thanks to the awesome re-take policy iPexpert offers, my bootcamp is booked also. So if anyone out there plans to attend OWL in March, I'll be in RTP for that class. All in all, things are shaping up nicely, and I should meet my goal of an April Fool's Day lab attempt. Why April Fool's Day? Well, after sitting for the lab four times now, I've learned MANY things... one of those things is that you don't get to choose many things that happen lab day. You have no control over what your workbook is going to focus on. No control what food is served during lunch, or what computer you sit at during the lab. You can't even pick your own terminal emulator. One thing you do definitely have control over is what day you take your lab, I choose to take mine on a day that makes me smile.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
EIGRP OTP - Looking closer part 1
So I'm going to break my closer look at EIGRP Over the Top into a couple smaller posts. Maybe I'll tie it together with a video when I'm done... maybe lol.
So today I thought I'd answer the most basic question of OTP, how the hell does it work?! In my previous post I covered a quick setup of OTP, and talked a little bit about the need to have connectivity between nodes. To reiterate that, the only way I could get OTP to work was to have a static route on each CE device pointing to my MPLS cloud for all other CEs (their MPLS facing interfaces only). That sounds confusing so here's a picture!
EIGRP: Your provide CAN see EIGRP packets, again a lot of documentation talks about LISP encapsulation, and it's definitely there... just not for your actual EIGRP traffic. This is may or may not be of concern, but I wanted to throw it out there. I ran a wireshark capture on the PE facing CE3, and here you can clearly seeing that we're sending EIGRP packets without LISP encapsulation.
So today I thought I'd answer the most basic question of OTP, how the hell does it work?! In my previous post I covered a quick setup of OTP, and talked a little bit about the need to have connectivity between nodes. To reiterate that, the only way I could get OTP to work was to have a static route on each CE device pointing to my MPLS cloud for all other CEs (their MPLS facing interfaces only). That sounds confusing so here's a picture!
Now that you have a visual, all I did so my CEs could reach one another was add a static route 10.255.254.y where 'y' is the PE for each host. The reason I take time to point this out, again, is because OTP is advertised as an overlay so you don't have to do any dynamic routing with your provider. What it's not is an overlay where you don't have to do ANY routing with your provider, you CEs have to be able to be able to reach one another. Ok, now that I've touched on that fairly obvious topic let's get into some packet captures. What traffic is your provider going to see when you're running OTP?
EIGRP: Your provide CAN see EIGRP packets, again a lot of documentation talks about LISP encapsulation, and it's definitely there... just not for your actual EIGRP traffic. This is may or may not be of concern, but I wanted to throw it out there. I ran a wireshark capture on the PE facing CE3, and here you can clearly seeing that we're sending EIGRP packets without LISP encapsulation.
Also a quick note of on the topic of EIGRP packets, remember in the last post that your EIGRP RR clients need to have a maximum hop count specified for their static neighbor command? You don't remember that?! That's fine, here's what the syntax looks like:
router eigrp OTP
address-family ipv4 unicast autonomous-system 300
neighbor Ethernet0/0 remote 10 lisp-encap
I used '10' as the maximum hop count. Well, you can actually see that in the capture as CE3 -> CE1's TTL value in the IPv4 header. I know that's pretty basic, but I love seeing evidence that something is working as expected.
LISP: Ok so you might be wondering... where does LISP come into play? Well, let's look at the routing table on CE3, specifically at EIGRP learned routes.
CE3#show ip route eigrp | b ^Gateway
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets
D [90/3584640] via, 00:09:08, LISP0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
D [90/3584640] via, 00:09:08, LISP0
There's your answer! Any traffic destine to those EIGRP learned prefixes, will be LISP encapsulated. Which brings up a fine point... what does LISP encapsulation actually look like? Well, Cisco's current documentation notes that user data will be encapsulated udp/4341 (ref:here). However I did not find this in practice. For a test I initiated a telnet from CE3 to the loopback address of CE1. Check out the wireshark.
So data is actually being encapsulated udp/4343. Just for fun, let's decode this capture as LISP. If you're not familiar with that function within wireshark (works on ALL kinds of protocols), what I'm doing is going to Analyze > Decode As...>LISP Data.
Check it out! There's all my decoded traffic, as you can see I sent some pings before firing off my telnet session. I know what you're thinking... I can sense it even now. You're wondering if I can follow that TCP stream (that was encapsulated LISP) and read the telnet output aren't you? Yes dear friend, yes we can.
So that's it ladies and gents, part 1 of my closer look at OTP. Not sure what part 2 will be about... but I'm thinking I might combine OTP with GETVPN, then maybe look at VRF support.
Monday, November 24, 2014
EIGRP just went... Over the TOP!
So I did a short video with my initial configuration/look at EIGRP OTP. Just thought I'd share it out here as well. I'm going to be looking into it a little more in-depth in the next post, but until then!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
New Trouble Ticket -- OSPF NSSA and full reachability
So I bumped into a pretty similar task in my studies not too long ago, and decided tonight that it would make for a pretty good blog post. So first things first, here's our network diagram (sorry it's not as pretty as usual, but suck it up butter cup).
If you're going to attempt the following task, you can IP the connections between routers however you like. I did 192.168.xy.z/24 where x is the lower router number, y is the higher, and z is the router number. So the link between R1 and R2 is 192.168.12.z/24. That being said here are the conditions of the task.
That being said here's the task.
Both R3 and R4 are redistributing a number of Loopbacks into the network. R3 is an NSSA router, configure R3 to advertise Loopbacks 6, 7, 12, and 13 as a single summary. This summary must been seen throughout the OSPF domain, but should not hinder full reachability. When this task is completed all loopbacks should be reachable from all routers.
If you're going to attempt the following task, you can IP the connections between routers however you like. I did 192.168.xy.z/24 where x is the lower router number, y is the higher, and z is the router number. So the link between R1 and R2 is 192.168.12.z/24. That being said here are the conditions of the task.
1. Area 13 MUST be an NSSA area.
2. Each router can only have a single OSPF process.
3. You may not add any additional interfaces.
4. Only loopback 0 may be advertised into OSPF using network statement, and it may only have the IP of "192.168.z.z/32" where z is the router number. All other loopbacks must be redistributed into OSPF.
5. No static routes are allowed in this lab.
That being said here's the task.
Both R3 and R4 are redistributing a number of Loopbacks into the network. R3 is an NSSA router, configure R3 to advertise Loopbacks 6, 7, 12, and 13 as a single summary. This summary must been seen throughout the OSPF domain, but should not hinder full reachability. When this task is completed all loopbacks should be reachable from all routers.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Traffic filtering on Lan-2-Lan VPNs (ASA)
So I know this isn't my usual R&S blog post... but I continue to see just terribly stupid approaches to filtering traffic across Lan-2-Lan tunnels between ASAs. So this is my small contribution to end the stupidity. Before we get started, lets draw up a super basic diagram to work from and then I'll decribe the problem, probably rant on the dumb solutions I've seen to the problem for a paragraph, before finally showing how I solve said problem.
Ok cool, we have a pretty picture to talk about now. So here's the problem we're trying to solve, we're CORP and we have this VPN built to a partner company so their users can access services on No big deal right? We build our L2L VPN just like always, maybe use some stronger than normal encryption and hell we even configure PFS. Then concerns form about what all this partner company has access to, because really all they should be able to do is ping, access a web page via https, and maybe we also allow them to SSH to this box (sftp or something). Well, default behavior of a L2L tunnel doesn't make filtering super easy. Here's where people get stupid. So before covering the best solution, let's just make a list called "Shit you shouldn't do"
1. Don't disable sysopt connection permit-vpn. This command is on by default, and if you turn it off, the firewall stops trusting ingress VPN traffic. While it would get the job done, and now you have to permit traffic via your outside interface, never use a cannon to kill a fly. Turning off 'permit-vpn' impacts all VPN traffic, so if you have multiple L2L VPN, any remote access VPN (anyconnect and legacy) you now have to allow traffic on your outside interface to accommodate these connections. It's a dumb solution, stop using it.
2. Don't limit interesting traffic to filter the connection. This means on your crypto ACL you get hyper specific with allowed hosts, subnets, and protocols/ports. Yes... I've seen people specify port numbers in their crypto ACLs, it causes magically unpredictable behavior. While limiting allowed hosts/subnets isn't a bad practice, if you start getting crypto ACLs that are 10, 15... 20 lines you have a problem. Remember each line your crypto ACL (think crypto map VPN 10 match address crypto_acl) is a separate IPsec security association both firewalls have to track and negotiate. Again, stop doing this.
Now that we covered that, lets go over what I consider to be "The Most Correct Way... ever." So again, we'll use tcp 22/443 and icmp as examples of our allowed traffic. The CORP firewall should drop all other traffic coming over this tunnel, and we'll even have an explicit deny statement just to track hits that get dropped.
Before Filtering:
Ok, so I'm actually saying "Anything on my corporate LAN is considered interesting." That's fine, maybe there's future growth or something. Now let's filter the tunnel so can only talk to on tcp/22&443, and icmp.
When the tunnel re-establishes, boom your filter is in place. I'll do the actual demo in my video, but here's the hit counter on my filter ACL.
So that's it everyone, stop doing dumb shit. Video coming later tonight... maybe tomorrow.
Ok cool, we have a pretty picture to talk about now. So here's the problem we're trying to solve, we're CORP and we have this VPN built to a partner company so their users can access services on No big deal right? We build our L2L VPN just like always, maybe use some stronger than normal encryption and hell we even configure PFS. Then concerns form about what all this partner company has access to, because really all they should be able to do is ping, access a web page via https, and maybe we also allow them to SSH to this box (sftp or something). Well, default behavior of a L2L tunnel doesn't make filtering super easy. Here's where people get stupid. So before covering the best solution, let's just make a list called "Shit you shouldn't do"
1. Don't disable sysopt connection permit-vpn. This command is on by default, and if you turn it off, the firewall stops trusting ingress VPN traffic. While it would get the job done, and now you have to permit traffic via your outside interface, never use a cannon to kill a fly. Turning off 'permit-vpn' impacts all VPN traffic, so if you have multiple L2L VPN, any remote access VPN (anyconnect and legacy) you now have to allow traffic on your outside interface to accommodate these connections. It's a dumb solution, stop using it.
2. Don't limit interesting traffic to filter the connection. This means on your crypto ACL you get hyper specific with allowed hosts, subnets, and protocols/ports. Yes... I've seen people specify port numbers in their crypto ACLs, it causes magically unpredictable behavior. While limiting allowed hosts/subnets isn't a bad practice, if you start getting crypto ACLs that are 10, 15... 20 lines you have a problem. Remember each line your crypto ACL (think crypto map VPN 10 match address crypto_acl) is a separate IPsec security association both firewalls have to track and negotiate. Again, stop doing this.
Now that we covered that, lets go over what I consider to be "The Most Correct Way... ever." So again, we'll use tcp 22/443 and icmp as examples of our allowed traffic. The CORP firewall should drop all other traffic coming over this tunnel, and we'll even have an explicit deny statement just to track hits that get dropped.
Before Filtering:
access-list IPsec extended permit ip
crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
crypto map VPNMAP 10 match address IPsec
crypto map VPNMAP 10 set peer
crypto map VPNMAP 10 set transform-set ESP-AES
crypto map VPNMAP interface OUTSIDE
crypto isakmp enable OUTSIDE
crypto isakmp policy 10
authentication pre-share
encryption aes
hash sha
group 2
lifetime 86400
tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group ipsec-attributes
pre-shared-key cisco123
Ok, so I'm actually saying "Anything on my corporate LAN is considered interesting." That's fine, maybe there's future growth or something. Now let's filter the tunnel so can only talk to on tcp/22&443, and icmp.
access-list PARTNERL2L-Filter extended permit tcp host eq sshThat's all you have to do! *SPECIAL NOTE* If the L2L VPN is up and active when you make this change, you'll need to clear IPsec SA for that peer. So in my case that's:
access-list PARTNERL2L-Filter extended permit tcp host eq https
access-list PARTNERL2L-Filter extended permit icmp host
access-list PARTNERL2L-Filter extended deny ip any
group-policy PARTNER_L2L_VPN internal
group-policy PARTNER_L2L_VPN attributes
vpn-filter value PARTNERL2L-Filter
tunnel-group general-attributes
default-group-policy PARTNER_L2L_VPN
clear ipsec sa peer
When the tunnel re-establishes, boom your filter is in place. I'll do the actual demo in my video, but here's the hit counter on my filter ACL.
CORP-FW# sh access-l PARTNERL2L-Filter
access-list PARTNERL2L-Filter; 3 elements
access-list PARTNERL2L-Filter line 1 extended permit tcp host eq ssh (hitcnt=5)
access-list PARTNERL2L-Filter line 2 extended permit tcp host eq https (hitcnt=0)
access-list PARTNERL2L-Filter line 3 extended permit icmp host (hitcnt=1)
access-list PARTNERL2L-Filter line 4 extended deny ip any (hitcnt=10)
So that's it everyone, stop doing dumb shit. Video coming later tonight... maybe tomorrow.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
GNS3 IOU Server (GNS3 1.0 Beta 2)
Just thought I'd share this video out from my YouTube channel here also. So the two people who mistakenly read my blog this week can see how this is done.
GNS3 IOU Server
L2 Image I use -- i86bi-linux-l2-ipbasek9-15.1e.bin
L3 Image I use -- i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-
Modify this conf file on the server: /etc/sysctl.conf
# Mitigate %AMDP2_FE-6-EXCESSCOLL iou error
net.unix.max_dgram_qlen = 2000000
GNS3 IOU Server
L2 Image I use -- i86bi-linux-l2-ipbasek9-15.1e.bin
L3 Image I use -- i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-
Modify this conf file on the server: /etc/sysctl.conf
# Mitigate %AMDP2_FE-6-EXCESSCOLL iou error
net.unix.max_dgram_qlen = 2000000
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
DMVPN -- MPLS over DMVPN? Oh yeah.
Get your nerd hats on! We're freaking pushing labels over our DMVPN network, like a boss. As you might have gathered thus far, I'm a little excited. The only downer here is your label switch path has to be hub-to-spoke, so no mas' spoke-to-spoke tunnels. If you want labels between your spokes, per Cisco documentation, traffic flow absolutely has to be spoke-hub-spoke. Calm down, dry those tears sunshine... because this is still awesome. I can hear you all now "But Jon! One of the best things about DMVPN is building dynamic tunnels between spokes!" shut up Debbie downer. We do loose dynamic tunnels, but we gain having full blown PEs connected only via DMVPN.
Ok, enough build up. How does this work? Surprisingly easy, if you've configured MPLS before... this isn't going to be super exciting. First things first, here's our topology:
All spokes are connected back to the hub via Serial links in a 192.168.zy.x/30 space (where z=lower router number, and y=higher router number). For example the link between R1-Hub and R2-Spoke is Then we have Loopback0 configured on each router in the 192.168.x.x/32 space, this is our tunnel source. All traffic supporting DMVPN backhaul is routed via OSPF. Finally, for routing within the DMVPN cloud we're using good old reliable EIGRP. Here's our base DMVPN configurations.
!interface Tunnel100
ip address
no ip redirects
no ip split-horizon eigrp 100
ip nhrp map multicast dynamic
ip nhrp network-id 100
mpls ip
tunnel source Loopback0
tunnel mode gre multipoint
interface Loopback100
description BGP peering over DMVPN
ip address
router eigrp 100
Pretty simple so far right? Alright, lets get some labels in here.
interface Tunnel100
ip address 10.10.100.x
no ip redirects
ip nhrp map multicast
ip nhrp map
ip nhrp network-id 100
ip nhrp nhs
mpls ip
tunnel source Loopback0
tunnel mode gre multipoint
interface Loopback100
description BGP peering over DMVPN
ip address
router eigrp 100
All Routers
mpls ip
mpls ldp router-id lo100
int tun100
mpls ip
I know what you're thinking "Jon, here's $5... because you just blew my mind." Well thank you, and I do accept donations. So let's check the output on R1
Sweet sweet success, but do we have labels? Best place to check is on one of the spokes, I'll look at R4 (he seems lonely).
*Aug 21 01:21:12.009: %LDP-5-NBRCHG: LDP Neighbor (1) is UP
*Aug 21 01:21:13.005: %LDP-5-NBRCHG: LDP Neighbor (2) is UP
*Aug 21 01:21:14.106: %LDP-5-NBRCHG: LDP Neighbor (3) is UP
Awesome! Don't ignore the next hop, remember that's the secret sauce here. Since we excluded "no ip next-hop-self eigrp 100" from our Hub config, we're forcing all traffic between spokes to route through the hub. As I demonstrate in the video, if we allow the dynamic tunnels this all breaks. So we have a functioning LSP it would seem between spokes so lets get some VRF running and go ping crazy! You don't have to configure BGP on the Hub, but I am and I'll configure spokes as route reflector clients to minimize spoke configuration.
R4-MPLS#show mpls forwarding-table | ex No Label
Local Outgoing Prefix Bytes Label Outgoing Next Hop
Label Label or Tunnel Id Switched interface
16 Pop Label 0 Tu100
17 16 0 Tu100
18 17 0 Tu100
router bgp 65000
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 65000
neighbor update-source Loopback100
neighbor send-community both
neighbor remote-as 65000
neighbor update-source Loopback100
neighbor send-community both
neighbor remote-as 65000
neighbor update-source Loopback100
neighbor send-community both
address-family vpnv4
neighbor activate
neighbor send-community extended
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor activate
neighbor send-community extended
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor activate
neighbor send-community extended
neighbor route-reflector-client
router bgp 65000
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 65000
neighbor update-source Loopback100
neighbor send-community both
address-family vpnv4
neighbor activate
neighbor send-community extended
Now that we have BGP up and running, we'll configure a basic VRF, assign a loopback to said VRF and redistribute connected with our ipv4 address-family (for the VRF).
All Spokes
ip vrf MPLS
rd 65000:1
route-target export 65000:65000
route-target import 65000:65000
router bgp 65000
address-family ipv4 vrf MPLS
redistribute connected
R2Last but not least, let's test from R3.
int lo1001
ip vrf f MPLS
ip address
int lo1001
ip vrf f MPLS
ip address
int lo1001
ip vrf f MPLS
ip address
Well that's it every body! MPLSoDMVPN! See attached video if you want to hear me talk really fast about doing everything you just read.
R3-MPLS#show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf MPLS | b Route
Route Distinguisher: 65000:1 (default for vrf MPLS)
*>i 0 100 0 ?
*> 0 32768 ?
*>i 0 100 0 ?
R3-MPLS#show ip route vrf MPLS bgp | b Gateway
Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 2 masks
B [200/0] via, 00:31:16
B [200/0] via, 00:31:11
R3-MPLS#ping vrf MPLS source lo1001
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 19/19/20 ms
R3-MPLS#traceroute vrf MPLS
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
VRF info: (vrf in name/id, vrf out name/id)
1 [MPLS: Labels 16/24 Exp 0] 20 msec 20 msec 20 msec
2 20 msec 19 msec 20 msec
Monday, August 4, 2014
DMVPN - Part 2, BGP with dyanmic neighbors
Oh man... BGP Dynamic Neighbors. This is a freaking cool way of setting up BGP on a device like a Hub router where you're expecting numerous BGP neighbors. Before dynamic neighbors, I remember configuring my hub router with peer-groups and having an insane amount of syntax since we had ~30-40 spokes. No more my friends, in this post we'll not only look at how to configure iBGP for DMVPN routing, but also using dynamic neighbors to dramatically reduce the amount of configuration on the hub.
Before I jump into the config, you might wonder "why use BGP for DMVPN routing?" Simple answer my friend, it's awesome. So, since most moderately sized organizations have BGP running anyway (think about your MPLS, unless you're super cool and have a full on VPLS... you're peering with your MPLS provider, and more than likely using BGP) using BGP for DMVPN allows a relatively seamless integration of the DMVPN cloud into your organization. I used to preach about "consistent BGP information", because that model sincerely does allow you to build more stable and scalable networks. Also, per Cisco, distance vector routing protocols just play nicer with DMVPN's hub and spoke model. SO enough with the sales pitch, let's get into it. Here's our topology:
We'll configure the spokes first, since there's nothing too exciting happening there. *This post assumes you already have DMVPN up and running, see DMVPN Part 1 for that*
That's it! Calling "bgp listen range x.x.x.x/x peer-group abcd" is the entire configuration of dynamic neighbors. Now the default behavior allows for 100 dynamic peers, but this can be increased to 5000 with "bgp listen limit 5000". Check out the bgp summary table on the hub, so informative:
So you can see "Total dynamically created neighbors: 3/(5000 max)" I did bump up the maximum allowed dynamic neighbors to 5000. Also note the "*" next to our neighbors indicating that they were learned dynamically. Alright, the last thing we should look at is a couple pings showing spoke to spoke communication, our routing tables (since iBGP does not update next hop information), and our dmvpn neighbor table after said pings. We'll test between Spoke 2 and Spoke 3.
Well that's all there is too it! See the linked video for a walk through of this post, and a quick blurb on design considerations.
Before I jump into the config, you might wonder "why use BGP for DMVPN routing?" Simple answer my friend, it's awesome. So, since most moderately sized organizations have BGP running anyway (think about your MPLS, unless you're super cool and have a full on VPLS... you're peering with your MPLS provider, and more than likely using BGP) using BGP for DMVPN allows a relatively seamless integration of the DMVPN cloud into your organization. I used to preach about "consistent BGP information", because that model sincerely does allow you to build more stable and scalable networks. Also, per Cisco, distance vector routing protocols just play nicer with DMVPN's hub and spoke model. SO enough with the sales pitch, let's get into it. Here's our topology:
We'll configure the spokes first, since there's nothing too exciting happening there. *This post assumes you already have DMVPN up and running, see DMVPN Part 1 for that*
Spoke1That's it... rinse and repeat on Spokes 2 and 3 (just change your network statement). Now here's the magic, configuring the Hub. Dynamic neighbors aside, there's one key feature we're really concerned with on the Hub... route-reflector-client. Specifically telling the hub that all DMVPN peers are RR clients. Why? Well young padawans, what's the rule about iBGP? BGP expects that internal peerings are configured in a full mesh, and to prevent routing loops, it will not advertised iBGP learned prefixes to other iBGP peers... think of this like BGP's split horizon. Well, that's not going to work for us at all, so we're effectively going to turn it off by telling the hub our DMVPN peers are RR clients. Also note the bgp listen syntax... we'll talk about that bit next.
conf t
router bgp 65000
neighbor remote-as 65000
neighbor send-community
network mask
conf t
router bgp 65000
neighbor DMVPN peer-group
neighbor DMVPN remote-as 65000
neighbor DMVPN route-reflector-client
bgp listen range peer-group DMVPN
network mask
That's it! Calling "bgp listen range x.x.x.x/x peer-group abcd" is the entire configuration of dynamic neighbors. Now the default behavior allows for 100 dynamic peers, but this can be increased to 5000 with "bgp listen limit 5000". Check out the bgp summary table on the hub, so informative:
HUB#show ip bgp summary | b ^Neighbor
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd
* 4 65000 30 30 11 0 0 00:22:24 1
* 4 65000 29 34 11 0 0 00:22:22 1
* 4 65000 29 34 11 0 0 00:22:24 1
* Dynamically created based on a listen range command
Dynamically created neighbors: 3, Subnet ranges: 1
BGP peergroup DMVPN listen range group members:
Total dynamically created neighbors: 3/(5000 max), Subnet ranges: 1
So you can see "Total dynamically created neighbors: 3/(5000 max)" I did bump up the maximum allowed dynamic neighbors to 5000. Also note the "*" next to our neighbors indicating that they were learned dynamically. Alright, the last thing we should look at is a couple pings showing spoke to spoke communication, our routing tables (since iBGP does not update next hop information), and our dmvpn neighbor table after said pings. We'll test between Spoke 2 and Spoke 3.
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
SPOKE2#show ip route bgp | b ^Gateway
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 4 subnets
B [200/0] via, 00:28:58
B [200/0] via, 00:28:58
B [200/0] via, 00:28:58
SPOKE2#show dmvpn | b ^ # Ent
# Ent Peer NBMA Addr Peer Tunnel Add State UpDn Tm Attrb
----- --------------- --------------- ----- -------- -----
1 UP 00:38:05 S
1 UP 00:28:34 D
1 UP 00:00:05 D
Well that's all there is too it! See the linked video for a walk through of this post, and a quick blurb on design considerations.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
DMVPN -- Spoke-to-Spoke Multicast (but why?!)
So now that I'll off my on-call rotation, I'm getting back to studying. I needed something to fire me, so I started watching DMVPN videos from Cisco Live! 2014. One thing that really sparked my interest was spoke-to-spoke multicast communication. I'll lead by saying this... not a production solution I'd recommend. However, for purposes of studying and better understanding DMVPN I think it's very cool.
First up, how do we get it working? Well let's take a look at some sample config from a Hub and two spoke routers before spoke-to-spoke multicast is running.
Alright so that's nothing new, super basic DMVPN. Now with OSPF, if we wanted or were required to use the broadcast network type we go ahead and treat this connection that same as though it were hub and spoke frame relay. The spokes would all have their interfaces set to ospf priority 0 making the hub router the DR with no BDR. So assuming we've done that let's take a look at our OSPF neighbor table on the hub and spoke 1.
The best way to think of NHRP (paraphrasing Mike Sullenberger) is a beefy ARP. If you think about the purpose and function of arp compared to nhrp they're incredibly similar. Where arp attempts to map ip address to mac-address for forwarding on an ethernet network, nhrp attempts to map gre ip to non-broadcast ip. Of course that's only it's primary function, nhrp can also carry cool info like nhrp groups used to assign per-tunnel QoS.
First up, how do we get it working? Well let's take a look at some sample config from a Hub and two spoke routers before spoke-to-spoke multicast is running.
interface tunnel 100
ip address
ip nhrp map multicast dynamic
ip nhrp network-id 100
tunnel source
tunnel mode gre multipoint
interface tunnel 100
ip address
ip nhrp map multicast
ip nhrp map
ip nhrp nhs
ip nhrp network-id 100
tunnel source
tunnel mode gre multipoint
interface tunnel 100
ip address
ip nhrp map multicast
ip nhrp map
ip nhrp nhs
ip nhrp network-id 100
tunnel source
tunnel mode gre multipoint
Alright so that's nothing new, super basic DMVPN. Now with OSPF, if we wanted or were required to use the broadcast network type we go ahead and treat this connection that same as though it were hub and spoke frame relay. The spokes would all have their interfaces set to ospf priority 0 making the hub router the DR with no BDR. So assuming we've done that let's take a look at our OSPF neighbor table on the hub and spoke 1.
Hub#show ip ospf neighbor
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 0 FULL/DROTHER 00:00:39 Tunnel100 0 FULL/DROTHER 00:00:37 Tunnel100
So this works just fine... but what happens if we make the following changes on spoke 1 and 2?
SPOKE1#show ip ospf neighbor
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 1 FULL/DR 00:00:37 Tunnel100
SPOKE1#conf t
SPOKE1(config)#int tun100
SPOKE1(config-if)#ip nhrp map multicast
Something magical happens... our spokes (without any neighbor statements) become OSPF neighbors. This gives us some really interesting properties within our DMVPN cloud. For one, we have this strange static mapping, always on, of broadcast and multicast traffic between spokes... but unicast traffic is still dynamic. Again, this isn't a best practice but rather an exercise attempting to better understand nhrp within dmvpn. Quick output of shows commands from spoke 1 (just trust me, they're about the same on spoke 2), then some closing thoughts.
SPOKE2#conf t
SPOKE2(config)#int tun100
SPOKE2(config-if)#ip nhrp map multicast
SPOKE1#show ip ospf nei
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 1 FULL/DR 00:00:38 Tunnel100 0 2WAY/DROTHER 00:00:38 Tunnel100
SPOKE1#show ip nhrp brief
Target Via NBMA Mode Intfc Claimed static Tu100 < > dynamic Tu100 < >
SPOKE1#show dmvpn
Legend: Attrb --> S - Static, D - Dynamic, I - Incomplete
N - NATed, L - Local, X - No Socket
# Ent --> Number of NHRP entries with same NBMA peer
NHS Status: E --> Expecting Replies, R --> Responding, W --> Waiting
UpDn Time --> Up or Down Time for a Tunnel
Interface: Tunnel100, IPv4 NHRP Details
Type:Spoke, NHRP Peers:2,
# Ent Peer NBMA Addr Peer Tunnel Add State UpDn Tm Attrb
----- --------------- --------------- ----- -------- -----
1 UP 01:55:53 S
1 UP 00:44:32 D
SPOKE1#show ip nhrp multicast
I/F NBMA address
Tunnel100 Flags: static (Enabled)
Tunnel100 Flags: static (Enabled)
The best way to think of NHRP (paraphrasing Mike Sullenberger) is a beefy ARP. If you think about the purpose and function of arp compared to nhrp they're incredibly similar. Where arp attempts to map ip address to mac-address for forwarding on an ethernet network, nhrp attempts to map gre ip to non-broadcast ip. Of course that's only it's primary function, nhrp can also carry cool info like nhrp groups used to assign per-tunnel QoS.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
First off, fear not. I've already recorded videos from DMVPN part 2, I didn't give up lol. I just need to get some time to toss everything into text format. I just thought I'd do a really short post about DMVPN on the new blueprint. I haven't tested yet, however from Cisco 360 workbooks, I'm starting to get a good idea of what kind of curve balls to expect on the lab. It's gets me SUPER excited to see how deep just the workbooks have been getting on the subject matter, Cisco is treating it as a frame-relay replacement more than just a subtle new topic.
So far I seen scenarios where you can't allow broadcast/multicast in the DMVPN cloud, so OSPF behavior is similar to FR networks without broadcast. I've also seen some per-tunnel QoS, where you have to leverage NHRP to apply policy-maps per-dynamic tunnel via NHRP groups (IOS help nhrp, you'll be fine. Not "ip nhrp", just nhrp ?). Cisco also loves to trip you up with phrasing like "Map broadcast traffic between spoke routers R1 and R2", but they'll make no mention of the hub. This sounds like you're digging into additional nhrp maps, but that's not the case. Since so long as you're mapping multicast to the hub, nhrp will dynamically map broadcast/multicast traffic between spokes, just as it does with unicast traffic.
So I know I'm just rambling in this post, but this new content should get you excited, not scared. Honestly, one of the best study sessions I've had on the subject matter was sitting down with a follow CCIEer, building a DMVPN network... and looking for ways to break it. Then doubling back and seeing how manipulate behavior, and of course lots of DOC CD and IOS help along the way.
Study hard! I'll have my next DMVPN post out soon.
So far I seen scenarios where you can't allow broadcast/multicast in the DMVPN cloud, so OSPF behavior is similar to FR networks without broadcast. I've also seen some per-tunnel QoS, where you have to leverage NHRP to apply policy-maps per-dynamic tunnel via NHRP groups (IOS help nhrp, you'll be fine. Not "ip nhrp", just nhrp ?). Cisco also loves to trip you up with phrasing like "Map broadcast traffic between spoke routers R1 and R2", but they'll make no mention of the hub. This sounds like you're digging into additional nhrp maps, but that's not the case. Since so long as you're mapping multicast to the hub, nhrp will dynamically map broadcast/multicast traffic between spokes, just as it does with unicast traffic.
So I know I'm just rambling in this post, but this new content should get you excited, not scared. Honestly, one of the best study sessions I've had on the subject matter was sitting down with a follow CCIEer, building a DMVPN network... and looking for ways to break it. Then doubling back and seeing how manipulate behavior, and of course lots of DOC CD and IOS help along the way.
Study hard! I'll have my next DMVPN post out soon.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
DMVPN - Part 1, it's not that bad.
So I wanted to do a couple posts on DMVPN, one of the new topics to CCIE v5. I'll run through a basic setup in this post, with a video at the end. In the next few posts I'll show some of the more advanced things we can do with DMVPN.
First off, for most DMVPN configurations... it's not that bad. In a single hub environment, you're either the hub or you're a spoke. Hub routers are responsible for keeping track of NHRP (next hop resolution protocol) registrations from spokes, and for informing spokes of that information when they need to build dynamic tunnels between one another. So take the topology below:
The first picture is just for reference, it doesn't matter how many provider routers are between these devices (or if there are any at all). So in a DMVPN deployment spoke routers are statically configured with the public and tunnel IP of the hub. Here's the good news, if you're goal is "Let's just get it working!" then the hub configuration is really really simple. Check it out:
So what's going on here? On the hub router we're saying "Any broadcasts/multicasts going out this interface - the next hops are going to be learned dynamically". Then on the spoke(s) we're saying "Any broadcasts/multicasts need to go to so we can learn about the next hop. Also, any traffic going, that needs to be forwarded to". Ok, so that about covers our NHRP map statements, so the last thing we should talk about on the spoke configuration is "ip nhrp nhs". NHS=Next-hop server, this line of code is instructing the spoke to register with the IP address that follows (the hub's tunnel IP). Without specifying who your NHS is, the spoke wouldn't know that it has to tell the hub about it's NBMA(the tunnel source) and tunnel IPs.
Alright! So that's configuring DMVPN! We can look on the Hub after all spokes are configured and issue a 'show dmvpn' to see all nhrp registered devices like so:
As expected, we currently only have (1) peer, the hub. Check out that attribute code "S" too, since we mapped him out statically. Lastly, what happens if we ping spoke2's tunnel ip from spoke1, how does that impact the show dmvpn output?
First off, for most DMVPN configurations... it's not that bad. In a single hub environment, you're either the hub or you're a spoke. Hub routers are responsible for keeping track of NHRP (next hop resolution protocol) registrations from spokes, and for informing spokes of that information when they need to build dynamic tunnels between one another. So take the topology below:
The first picture is just for reference, it doesn't matter how many provider routers are between these devices (or if there are any at all). So in a DMVPN deployment spoke routers are statically configured with the public and tunnel IP of the hub. Here's the good news, if you're goal is "Let's just get it working!" then the hub configuration is really really simple. Check it out:
Hub(config)# interface tunnel 0That's it, obviously if you've ever seen a production headend router you can do more... but as for "what's the bare minimum to make it work" that's it! Also note that the nhrp network-id is locally significant and complete arbitrary, however it is required (think OSPF process id). Now the spoke configuration is a little more involved, because remember spokes have to be statically mapped to the headend/hub router.
Hub(config-if)# tunnel source
Hub(config-if)# tunnel mode gre multipoint
Hub(config-if)# ip nhrp map multicast dynamic
Hub(config-if)# ip nhrp network-id 100
Hub(config-if)# ip address
SPK1(config)# interface tunnel 0
SPK1(config-if)# tunnel source
SPK1(config-if)# tunnel mode gre multipoint
SPK1(config-if)# ip nhrp map multicast
SPK1(config-if)# ip nhrp map
SPK1(config-if)# ip nhrp nhs
SPK1(config-if)# ip nhrp network-id 100
SPK1(config-if)# ip address
So what's going on here? On the hub router we're saying "Any broadcasts/multicasts going out this interface - the next hops are going to be learned dynamically". Then on the spoke(s) we're saying "Any broadcasts/multicasts need to go to so we can learn about the next hop. Also, any traffic going, that needs to be forwarded to". Ok, so that about covers our NHRP map statements, so the last thing we should talk about on the spoke configuration is "ip nhrp nhs". NHS=Next-hop server, this line of code is instructing the spoke to register with the IP address that follows (the hub's tunnel IP). Without specifying who your NHS is, the spoke wouldn't know that it has to tell the hub about it's NBMA(the tunnel source) and tunnel IPs.
Alright! So that's configuring DMVPN! We can look on the Hub after all spokes are configured and issue a 'show dmvpn' to see all nhrp registered devices like so:
HUB#show dmvpnVery good, so by the attribute code "D" we can see that the hub has learned all these peers dynamically (as expected). What does this output look like on Spoke1?
Legend: Attrb --> S - Static, D - Dynamic, I - Incomplete
N - NATed, L - Local, X - No Socket
# Ent --> Number of NHRP entries with same NBMA peer
NHS Status: E --> Expecting Replies, R --> Responding, W --> Waiting
UpDn Time --> Up or Down Time for a Tunnel
Interface: Tunnel0, IPv4 NHRP Details
Type:Hub, NHRP Peers:3,
# Ent Peer NBMA Addr Peer Tunnel Add State UpDn Tm Attrb
----- --------------- --------------- ----- -------- -----
1 UP 00:01:24 D
1 UP 00:00:46 D
1 UP 00:00:23 D
SPK1#sh dmvpn
Legend: Attrb --> S - Static, D - Dynamic, I - Incomplete
N - NATed, L - Local, X - No Socket
# Ent --> Number of NHRP entries with same NBMA peer
NHS Status: E --> Expecting Replies, R --> Responding, W --> Waiting
UpDn Time --> Up or Down Time for a Tunnel
Interface: Tunnel0, IPv4 NHRP Details
Type:Spoke, NHRP Peers:1,
# Ent Peer NBMA Addr Peer Tunnel Add State UpDn Tm Attrb
----- --------------- --------------- ----- -------- -----
1 UP 00:03:04 S
As expected, we currently only have (1) peer, the hub. Check out that attribute code "S" too, since we mapped him out statically. Lastly, what happens if we ping spoke2's tunnel ip from spoke1, how does that impact the show dmvpn output?
...True to it's name, DMVPN builds a dynamic tunnel between spoke1 and spoke2. Pop quiz hot shots, where did it get the NBMA address from? You guessed it, or at least I hope you did, the Hub! Alright, this is getting to be a lot of typing lol, I'll demonstrate the above configuration as well as getting EIGRP and OSPF running over DMVPN in a video.
Interface: Tunnel0, IPv4 NHRP Details
Type:Spoke, NHRP Peers:2,
# Ent Peer NBMA Addr Peer Tunnel Add State UpDn Tm Attrb
----- --------------- --------------- ----- -------- -----
1 UP 00:04:46 S
1 UP 00:00:02 D
Monday, June 23, 2014
Lab Hard, with a Vengeance (VPLS in GNS3!!)
So I'm finally getting back into lab mode, and getting excited out R/S technologies again. After realizing that the requirements for Cisco's CSR1000v (Cloud Services Router) has been dramatically decreased I wanted to get one into virtualbox and throw it in the mix with GNS3. The results thus far have been phenomenal. Hence what this post is about, something I've wanted to get working in a home lab for some time now is VPLS. For those of you not familiar with VPLS, I'm speaking of virtual private lan services. With a 7200 in GNS3 we've been able to create point-to-point pseudowires for some time now. A pseudowire completely hides the MPLS provider network from clients and gives the illusion that both CEs are directly connected by a very long cable. This works because we're encapsulating frames received on the PE and associating them with a virtual circuit that gets label switched between two PE routers. Very cool stuff...
However, what if you had a situation where the client wanted this layer 2 style of WAN... but they had multiple sites. Even worse they wanted a full mesh! Enter VPLS, giving us the ability to almost carve out a small switch inside the MPLS cloud. This is something that GNS3 has been lacking for sometime, because no GNS3 emulated router can host a multipoint pseudowire. Until now! Well... technically it's not GNS3 doing the heavy lifting, it's the CSR1000v. So I made a video about this setup, of course, before trying this in your own lab a couple key notes about the CSR1000v:
- IOS XE 3.10+ is your best bet because of the lowered requirements
- IOS XE 3.10+ requires 2.5GB of RAM, but it can run on a single vCPU (this is vastly improved from the 3.9 release)
- In order to test out the more advance features, after booting up your CSR1000v go into global configuration and enter "license boot level premium", other wise you can't enable MPLS. After setting the boot level to premium and accepting the EULA for eval licensing, wr mem and reload.
- Lastly, unless you want to do all your configs within virtualbox via CSR's virtual console, install CSR with a Serial Console (from the GRUB menu on first boot) and connect via a named pipe. I'm using SOCAT in OS X to redirect the named pipe to /dev/ttys001. Your mileage may vary.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Looks like I'm a new instructor!
Yes sir, you read that subject line correctly! Granted, I'm only developing content for CCNA but yes I'll be a video instructor soon enough. Which aside from the fact I get to put that on my resume, it's something I love doing. Since I got into networking I've loved sharing knowledge with others, and this will be an amazing platform to do just that. Looking over the blueprint for the new CCNA, it's actually... incredibly exciting. I know the few people who read these posts are (generally) long since CCNA, but you have to appreciate the fact that layer 3 switching and HSRP made it on the exam.
So far I've only recorded a couple screen tests, this Sunday I actually go into to kick out the first chunk of material so it might be a while before my ginger face makes it to your laptop. Updates to come!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
IPv6 6to4 Tunneling... NO STATIC ROUTE?!
So I finally got this working, with the lab from my previous post. Here's a 6to4 tunnel, without the 2002::/16 static route, or ANY static routes for that matter.
More IPv6 Tunneling
So moving on from my last post, and before doing a little write up on IPv6 tunneling I thought I'd do one more scenario. So very similar to the last issue, we have an IPv4 only WAN and we want to dynamically tunnel IPv6 traffic over said WAN.
- Do not modify tunnel mode
- Do not add any additional static routes
- Do not introduce an IPv6 dynamic routing
- When the task is complete you should be able to successfully ping 2002:A0A:A02::1:2 and 2002:A0A:A03::1:3 on R1 sourcing from Lo0.
GNS3 Files: Here
- Do not modify tunnel mode
- Do not add any additional static routes
- Do not introduce an IPv6 dynamic routing
- When the task is complete you should be able to successfully ping 2002:A0A:A02::1:2 and 2002:A0A:A03::1:3 on R1 sourcing from Lo0.
GNS3 Files: Here
Sunday, January 12, 2014
IPv6 Tunneling... you might hate this one.
So, I'm going to [try] and do this one a little different. I want to start with my typical, arguably lazy approach of presenting a problem and posting a video solution. However, for fun I'll do a closer look follow up to this one in a separate post. So here's the task at hand, your organization is looking to start migrating to IPv6. Currently your MPLS provider does not support IPv6, but part of this testing phase is communication between sites. Your goal is to maintain a fully meshed environment, with minimal tunnel interfaces.
- Create only a single tunnel interface on each edge router
- Do not add any IPv6 addresses to any physical interfaces.
- You may add a single static IPv6 route, but this is not ideal. [attempt to avoid this]
- Routing should take the most efficient path possible. (I.e. don't send traffic from R1 to R3 through R2)
- When you're done, all routers should be able to ping each others look backs. Use only EIGRPv6 to accomplish this. *Due to some IOS restrictions, you maybe use OSPFv3 if EIGRP is not supported on your platform
- Do not modify the MPLS router
GNS3 here
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